What other responses to the phenomenon of irregular migration are there besides forced return? Is it possible to respond to irregular migration in an inclusive way -- eg. through regularizations, firewall policies and sanctuary? Which cities have tried this, and with what consequences?
On 20 September 2023, a roundtable of experts discussed these and other pressing questions that are often left aside of public discussions on migration. The event was organized by me together with Rainer Bauböck at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. For more information, see the links below. https://www.oeaw.ac.at/kmi/aktivitaeten/weitere-veranstaltungen/podiumsdiskussion https://www.donau-uni.ac.at/de/universitaet/fakultaeten/wirtschaft-globalisierung/departments/migration-globalisierung/news-veranstaltungen/news/2023/roundtable-20-september-2023.html
Check out this interview about my research agenda and personal biography for the Danube University Krems.
https://www.donau-uni.ac.at/de/universitaet/fakultaeten/wirtschaft-globalisierung/departments/migration-globalisierung/news-veranstaltungen/news/2023/professur_fuer_migration_und_integration.html "Migration as Morality Politics Project" is features in FWF Magazine as Project of the Week25/10/2022 #Migration: Religious groups, civil society and local authorities often show a more liberal attitude than the state. Political scientist @juliapermoser analyses this as yet unexplored aspect. https://scilog.fwf.ac.at/en/humanities-and-social-sciences/16674/migration-as-morality-politics
#scilog Bauböck, Rainer, Julia Mourão Permoser and Martin Ruhs (2022) "The Ethics of Migration Policy Dilemmas". Migration Studies, Online FirstPolitical actors involved in migration policy are often faced with hard ethical dilemmas. When is an ethical question a hard ethical dilemma? How can we tackle these dilemmas normatively, and why is it crucial to do so? https://doi.org/10.1093/migrat
Fully open access publication available here: link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-658-37274-3_30
Podiumsdiskussion zu den politisch brisanten Themen der Ukraine-Krise und der Grenzpolitik am 28. September im Rahmen der KMI Jahrestagung zur Migrationsforschung in Österreich an der Universität für Weiterbildung Krems. https://tvthek.orf.at/profile/ZIB-Nacht/13890328/ZIB-Nacht/14151302/Migrationsforscherin-zu-Grenzkontrollen/15243060
New Publication "Democratic Challenges Surrounding Church Asylum: Secularism and Rule of Law". Available open access here http://austriaca.at/0xc1aa5576_0x003dae11.pdf…
The magazine of the Austrian science fund is featuring my research in its newest issue. Want to learn more about the relationship between migration, value-based politics, and the provision of sanctuary to migrants in Europe and the US? Have a look here: https://scilog.fwf.ac.at/en/humanities-and-social-sciences/16674/migration-as-morality-politics
New article published in "Migration Studies" and available open access! In this article, co-authored with Itamar Mann, we analyze the ethical dilemmas of conducting search and rescue operations at sea as seen from the perspective of the rescuers themselves. Available free of charge here: https://doi.org/10.1093/migration/mnac007
News & DisseminationHere you will find information about recent publications and project events, as well as on activities I undertake to disseminate the findings of my research to a broader societal audience: blog posts, news articles and public appearances. Archives
October 2023